Coax (loose)

To connect your radio to your antenna you need a coax lead.

We can supply either loose coax, or a variety of leads made up with plugs on.

All prices are per metre.  You can order any length up to 100m, and for many there is a discount price listed for a full 100m roll.

100m Roll RG58 Coax

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A full 100m roll of standard quality RG58 coax.

This has a decent copper braid, foil shield and a multi-strand copper centre.

Supplied on a strong wooden reel.

Sold by the metre for 40p, big saving on a 100m roll.

50m Roll RG58 Coax

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A 50m roll of standard quality RG58 coax.

This has a decent copper braid plus a foil shield and a multi-strand copper centre.

Supplied on a strong wooden reel.

Ideal for short runs.

50m Roll

RG58 Coax

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Good quality 50 ohm coax, sold by the metre.

A good quality thin coax as used on most mobile mounts, this is normal thin (6mm) coax.

Copper braid, foil screen and multistrand copper centre.

Also available in 50m and 100m rolls.


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High quality 50 ohm coax.

A good quality tinned copper 6mm (thin) coax - this is a higher quality cable than the standard RG58.

Both the braid & inner cable are plated copper.

Big discount if you buy a full 100m roll.

Now available in both 50m and 100m rolls

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High quality 50 ohm coax.

A very high quality 6mm diameter coax with a transparent red outer cover.

95% braid covering.

RG8 Mini (black)

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Slightly thicker than standard coax (7mm), this claims to give a similar loss to thick RG213 (9mm) coax but is much more flexible.

Very popular where you need a long run of cable but need something more flexible than RG213.

Please note that you need to use 7mm coax plugs rather than standard 6mm.

Available by the metre and in  50m and 100m rolls

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A superior version of the RG8 Mini coax, with superior braid and a more flexible outer cover.

Slightly thicker than standard coax (7mm), this claims to give a similar loss to thick RG213 (9mm) coax but is much more flexible.

Very popular where you need a long run of cable but need something more flexible than RG213.

Please note that you need to use 7mm coax plugs rather than standard 6mm.

Available by the metre or in 50m rolls.

RG213 Low Loss

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A heavy duty low loss 50 ohm coax.

Ideal for use with homebase antennas and for any long runs of cable.

Considering the thickness of the cable (9mm) it is still relatively flexible.

Available by the metre or in 50m & 100m rolls (supplied on a sturdy wooden roll).

RG213 UBX High Quality


Higher specification version of RG213 low loss coax, with 95% braid coverage.

Made in Italy rather than China.

Ideal for use with homebase antennas and for any long runs of cable.

Considering the thickness of the cable (9mm) it is still relatively flexible.


New twin screened high performance very low loss coax, similar to Westflex W103.

Copper braid plus a copper foil, giving 100% shielding.

The disadvantages of this coax is that it is very stiff (compared to RG213) because of it's solid single core centre, plus it is slightly larger (10mm) and so needs the special coax plugs as used on the W103 coax. 


Westflex W-103 low loss airspaced 50 ohm coax.

Popular with some amateurs because of it's low loss, the only disadvantage is that the coax is very stiff and tends to remain in whatever shape it is bent.

Has a single solid copper centre rather than the usual multi-stranded.

Slightly thicker than RG213, and ideally you need to use special 10mm plugs (which are about £6 each!).


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75 ohm communication coax, usually used for making up co-phase harnesses.

Same size as RG58 but difference impedance.

TV Coax

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Standard 75 ohm TV coax cable.

Available in brown or white.

Satellite Coax

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Standard 75 ohm satellite coax with foil screen.

300 Ohm Slotted Ribbon Cable

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High quality 300 Ohm slotted ribbon cable.

Ideal for making up HF antenna, such as a G5RV.

450 Ohm Slotted Ribbon Cable

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High quality 450 Ohm slotted ribbon cable.

Ideal for making homebrew antennas.