UKAFG UK Airband Frequency Guide 2025 - printed ring-bound book
Includes website access to frequency updates, civil and military call-signs, and maps until the 1st of Jan 2026
A spiral bound log book designed for Amateur Radio use, but could also be used for CB & SWL.
Third edition of our mic wiring book.
Listing details for over 350 different radios and over 110 different microphones, together with details of how to wire them and how microphones work. We have also extended the range of Amateur radios listed.
20 pages of invaluable information.
An A4 size frequency chart listing the frequencies for 7 CB bands, from 25.615MHz to 28.305MHz.
Available either plain or laminated.
A full colour laminated world map with Amateur Prefixes, ideal for both Amateurs and SWL's.
Split into regions, each highlighted in a different colour with the amateur prefix in red and the CQ zone in black.
Available in a smaller "desk" size or a larger "wall" size.
The "companion" to the Screwdriver Experts Guide, this book studies the PLL and how it works.
The book goes into some depth about PLL circuitry and gives details on all the popular PLLs and how to modify them to obtain extra channels.
This book is over 10 years old and so will not cover some of the latest PLLs (although most radios now use microprocessors instead of the standard PLL).